Every year my friend Wendy does a February Challenge. This is the 10th year in a row and I think you should try it too! She gives us a challenge that seems almost impossible but reminds us that February is
ONLY 28 days! So you can really do anything for 28 days, RIGHT??? Two years ago I started the Feb. Challenge and continued on to lose 20 pounds! I kept it off for this long and now I would like to lose some more!
Here is the challenge:
Starting February 1st, you must agree to follow 4 of the 6 rules posted for the entire 4 weeks. You pick the 4 that make the most sense for your goals. You must follow them to the letter!! However, you are allowed one mulligan during the month (keep in mind that the Super Bowl is on Feb. 1st and of course, Valentines Day could be an issue for some).
The Rules:
1. No eating within 3 hours of bedtime.
2. Eat 8 servings of fruits and veggies per day.
3. Exercise minimum of 1 hour per day, 6 days a week.
4. 8 glasses of water per day (no, wine doesn't count as a substitute).
5. Get minimum of 7 hours sleep every night.
6. Calorie challenge for those who want to lose a few lbs.
Men: 3 meals a day of 500 calories each plus 3 snacks of 200 calories.
Women: 3 meals a day of 400 calories plus 3 snacks of 100 calories.
Remember, it's just for 4 short weeks!!!
Follow the February Challenge on Facebook!! Let us know how you are doing!!