Friday, February 27, 2009

Infulenza B

So I took our son Cole to the doctor today because he has been so sick! They did a million test, strep, chest x-ray and the swabs up the nose for influenza. Well, Influenza B won! They put our entire family on this new medicine called Tamiflu. It is suppose to keep us from getting the flu! Poor Cole was the guinea pig because they can NOT do anything for him! BUMMER!

We are a really lucky family because we don't get sick too often. It is hard with the kids in school because of all those nutty germs. Especially Emma....being in the first grade. I really hope the medicine works for her!

Well, we are going to work on getting Cole better this weekend and hopefully he can get back to school and basketball this next week.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Paula Dean MOONS her viewers!

This killed me! You actually see her tush!!

This is sort of over the top!

A carnival float depicting a flying U.S. President Obama with Europe being dragged along is seen during the traditional carnival parade in Duesseldorf, Germany, on Monday, Feb. 23, 2009. Rose-Monday-Parades in the carnival strongholds of Duesseldorf, Mainz and Cologne are watched by hundreds of thousands of revelers and mark the highlights of Germany's carnival season.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Fav Part of the Oscars!

Ben stiller dressed up like crazy Juaquine Phoenix just killed me! I loved it!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Girls ONLY Ski Bus...

What a blast...the ski trip was a HUGE success! We had so many first timers on the ski hill! They did great! We even had a chance to snow shoe!! I love Norway Mtn.... Ted, Mike, Mario and Bernie...all of them really are fun and know how to show a bus load of women a great time! Scott, the limo driver was such a great guy! He was a driver, bodyguard, father, packer, cleaning person...he did it all! He even saved our mini keg from some Russian kids...ha! Long story there...

There was a night with some serious partying, we hit the hot tub, we sat and talked for was a perfect weekend to just get away from it all. Can't wait till next year! Who wants to go?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hung OVER?

So Doug went to the Motley Crue show last night and I think he is a bit HUNG OVER! He says he isn't but he has all the symptoms...HA! I think he should just admit it! This is when doing a morning show is SOOOOO HARD! You want to go out and party with your friends and see a show but that darn alarm clock goes off at 3:45am and you just want to die! I am doing my best to get him through this morning!! Hangover remedies anyone????

I am laughing so hard because he says he is just tired!! Yeah, RIGHT!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tiger Woods and his new baby!

How cute is this family photo with Tiger Woods? He says the whole family is doing great with the new baby boy!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What is Carrie Underwood DOING?

This is so funny!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Ski the Square in Madtown...

We were in Madison for a basketball tournament! We had a four hour break between games so we met up with a good friend for lunch near the Capitol! Winterfest was going on and they had trucked in a ton of snow! I brought my skis and got the chance to ski a few times around the square! The kids thought it was great! Emma raced me a few times (she was on foot!) It was a riot! This is what I love about just never know what is going to be happening! There is something for everyone!

Friday, February 13, 2009

This is how you HUG someone!

I think if you practice hugging people like will have more friends! This guy knows how to hug his wife!! WOW! Happy Valentine's Day!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


So this is what EIGHT babies looks one person's belly! OUCH!

What is happening here???

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The First Lady is a Cover Girl!

Vogue sent me a preview of the next issue! Michelle Obama is only the second First Lady to ever grace the cover of Vogue.

I wish I had those! She is so fit! I love the dress and she just looks so centered!

I think she looks great! I can't wait to read the article!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Not really a swimsuit! RIGHT?

Sports Illustrated sent me a preview of their "Swimsuit Edition"...I am declaring that this specific suit is NOT actually a swimsuit! Duh!

This is SO FUNNY!!

We saw this on SNL and we just about died of laughter!

It is a bit explicit so beware!

Mary Love

Friday, February 6, 2009

And you guys think I am NUTS...

So, all the emails and Facebook comments about me being insane all winter are SO FUNNY! This photo is a picture of my older brother from last weekend. He LOVES to ice climb! He is the craziest person I have ever met!

He has gotten me into so many sticky situations you can NOT imagine! Every time I hear someone say I am crazy for snowshoeing when it is -20 below I think about what my brother is doing.

For his birthday this year he is doing the toughest climb in MN. He says it will start his year off right!

We get this craziness from our father! He loves the outdoors...and taught us all these amazing sports when we were kids!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Girls Only Ski BUS!

We really kicked the Girls Only Ski Bus up a notch this year! In the last few years we have only gone up and back in one day and believe me it has been a PARTY! The year we are leaving Feb 20th (Friday NIGHT) and NOT coming home till Sunday late! We are stopping at The Bar on Lyndale in Appleton, and at the Bull and Bear in Green Bay! Then we will party all the way up to the hotel!

We have to try and pace ourselves because it will be two full days of skiing at Norway Mt. If you have never skied no worries..they are giving everyone lessons and rentals! I am not sure if you know this by listening to the show but I LOVE WINTER SPORTS! I love to downhill, skate ski, classic ski, snow shoe. You name it and I am all over it in the winter time! I promise to ski with all of you!

We will be giving away nine spots on the limo bus (right I said LIMO BUS!) So listen each morning to get a seat for you and a friend. We will have some serious fun and NO responsibilities...

Bruce and the Crotch Shot...

I feel bad for the camera guy...did he or she get a black eye or what!?!?!?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Michael Phelps has Some Explaining...

There is a photo of Michael Phelps smoking pot with a bong all over the internet! I have seen the photos...and decided not to use it here on my blog! I would hate for someone to look at that photo and! isn't that bad! He is an amazing athlete that so many kids look up to! Heck, I look up to him!

I am bummed about this...really bummed!

He has some explaining to do!