Monday, August 31, 2009
13K People try and break the world record...
13K people in Mexico City try breaking the WORLD RECORD of dancing to Michael Jackson's Thriller....Crazy fun!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Oprah Gets The Black Eyed Peas to make her promo...
This is fun! Oprah Tweets...Thanks Black Eyed Peas I love it! That is pretty cool! Plus I am so ready for more of the BIG O!
People are complaining?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Mary on the FAT BOB!

Monday, August 24, 2009
The photo everyone is talking about...

Lizzy Miller, a plus sized model (seriously!) in Glamour Magazine! People are freaking! Some love the photo and say she looks "real" and others are saying she is fat and should put some clothes on! All I know is we need a new name for Plus Sized Model...I hate that term! I think she looks great...what do you think?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
How is this a WOMAN?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Radio-thon Day #3
6:55am Just read that 2,977 kids from Brown Co alone went to Children's Hospital last year! That is a TON of kids.
6:45am About to do a 15 min POWER BURST...where your money is doubled but it only lasts for 15 min so you have to act fast! All the money goes to Children's Hospital of 877-738-5437
6:25am Everyone that becomes a Miracle Club Member before 10am is in the running to win a Backyard BBQ for 20 from Berge's White Law Sausage. All the food you need, the meat, the salads, condiments, and oh yeah...they throw in the grill too!
6:45am About to do a 15 min POWER BURST...where your money is doubled but it only lasts for 15 min so you have to act fast! All the money goes to Children's Hospital of 877-738-5437
6:25am Everyone that becomes a Miracle Club Member before 10am is in the running to win a Backyard BBQ for 20 from Berge's White Law Sausage. All the food you need, the meat, the salads, condiments, and oh yeah...they throw in the grill too!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Kiss For Kids Radio-Thon Blog Day #2
4:00pm It is another Matching HOUR! Thanks to Humana..let's take their money! You give $20 they give another $20!
3:45pm Just a heads up...we will be giving away a four pack of tickets to the Brewers to one lucky person who donates to Children's Hospital!
3:35pm A woman called and told us the story of her 16 year old friend getting pregnant and having to go to Children's hospital. When she had her baby they found a tumor in her bladder and stomach...she ended up dying! OMG and her parents are now raising her little baby! WOW!
3:15pm Back on the air for the afternoon show! Found out it was a bit slow this afternoon on the we are trying to think of new ways to inspire you to give!
8:25am We have big news from the people who put on Chickenfest every year! Let's just say they know to use a Matching HOUR!
8:10am POWER is the best time to call in and donate because Humana is doubling everyone's money until 9am. No matter how much you give! I love it!
8:00am Amazing to read people's status on Facebook about listening to Radio-thon on Kiss FM. SO COOL!
7:45am You could become a Miracle Club Member and your money would buy a Nintendo DS for a kid at the hospital! How fun would that be! To know a little person waiting for surgery could be playing Mario...LOVE IT!
7:30am It is Miracle Treat Day at Dairy Queen! Eat a Blizzard and all the proceeds go to Children's here in WI!! Do it for the kids!
6:50am Totally random but they found that African Cat that was loose in Green Bay! Two warehouse workers found it...yikes! I bet it scared the crap out of them! OMG!
6:40am We are auctioning off the chance to throw a pie in the face of Tom Zalaski from WFRV Channel 5. You have to call and bid on that! 877-738-5437 the bid is up to $50...
6:20am Just heard the story of Ethan. A sweet little boy with a really bad cold. Ended up getting very sick and being treated by surgeon at Children's. His dad was so sweet! He said Ethan is great now, 20 months old and even fighting with his brothers and sisters. To be happy to have a healthy enough child to actually have sibling rivalry...hmmm.
6:10am Up and running, phones open and volunteers taking calls!
6:00am News...Doug and I are laughing about the "super glue" story being back in the news...nothing new it is just still super funny (and sick, weird and twisted of course!)
5:45am Trying to organize all the calls and emails from people with their Children's Hospital stories.
5:30 am The door to the phone bank is locked...hello we need to get in there! Hope it is open by 6am when we start the Radio-thon!
3:45pm Just a heads up...we will be giving away a four pack of tickets to the Brewers to one lucky person who donates to Children's Hospital!
3:35pm A woman called and told us the story of her 16 year old friend getting pregnant and having to go to Children's hospital. When she had her baby they found a tumor in her bladder and stomach...she ended up dying! OMG and her parents are now raising her little baby! WOW!
3:15pm Back on the air for the afternoon show! Found out it was a bit slow this afternoon on the we are trying to think of new ways to inspire you to give!
8:25am We have big news from the people who put on Chickenfest every year! Let's just say they know to use a Matching HOUR!
8:10am POWER is the best time to call in and donate because Humana is doubling everyone's money until 9am. No matter how much you give! I love it!
8:00am Amazing to read people's status on Facebook about listening to Radio-thon on Kiss FM. SO COOL!
7:45am You could become a Miracle Club Member and your money would buy a Nintendo DS for a kid at the hospital! How fun would that be! To know a little person waiting for surgery could be playing Mario...LOVE IT!
7:30am It is Miracle Treat Day at Dairy Queen! Eat a Blizzard and all the proceeds go to Children's here in WI!! Do it for the kids!
6:50am Totally random but they found that African Cat that was loose in Green Bay! Two warehouse workers found it...yikes! I bet it scared the crap out of them! OMG!
6:40am We are auctioning off the chance to throw a pie in the face of Tom Zalaski from WFRV Channel 5. You have to call and bid on that! 877-738-5437 the bid is up to $50...
6:20am Just heard the story of Ethan. A sweet little boy with a really bad cold. Ended up getting very sick and being treated by surgeon at Children's. His dad was so sweet! He said Ethan is great now, 20 months old and even fighting with his brothers and sisters. To be happy to have a healthy enough child to actually have sibling rivalry...hmmm.
6:10am Up and running, phones open and volunteers taking calls!
6:00am News...Doug and I are laughing about the "super glue" story being back in the news...nothing new it is just still super funny (and sick, weird and twisted of course!)
5:45am Trying to organize all the calls and emails from people with their Children's Hospital stories.
5:30 am The door to the phone bank is locked...hello we need to get in there! Hope it is open by 6am when we start the Radio-thon!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Kiss For Kids Radio-Thon Blog
6:02pm Done for the day but you can donate all night long right here on the website! We will be back at 6am tomorrow morning with more stories to inspire you! Have a great night!
5:44pm My friend Denise just said, "Mary all we worry about with our kids is getting them to baseball on time and with their mitts, cleats and hat. These people just worry that their kids will never play baseball!" She made me cry. I will stop worrying so much!
5:39pm Almost all of our volunteers are on the phone taking pledges...makes my heart leap! How great is that???
5:25pm Talking to a Kiss FM listener, Amanda, about her son who has been going to Children's for a few years...she is so sweet!
5:15pm We are in the middle of a power hour so your money is doubled until 6pm. What ever you donate gets doubled thanks to The Onieda Nation! Call is a good time....877-738-5437.
5:00pm A woman called and said her 6mo old son is having open heart surgery and all the stories we are telling her are helping her! WHAT? WOW! She said she now has so much more confidence and knows they will make it through! That is incredible! She said with out Children's her son would be
4:50pm I got a great message from a woman on Facebook and here it is:
Mary,after almost bawling on my way home i decided to drop you a quick note about how childrens hospital has touched the lives of the members of my family. My niece was diagnosed with a very rare form of pediatric cancer. By the time of diagnosis (at childrens) her cancer had spread to her brain stem and to her liver.. the prognosis was not good.. at all... after many rounds of chemo therapy, radiation therapy, the removal of her eye, and a complete liver transplant I am happy to say she is a BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY blonde hair blue eyed 11 year old who aspires to be an olympic gymnast some day... without the doctors at Childrens hospital, both Neenah and Milwaukee... who would know what would have happened to her! God Bless them!
4:40pm Just found out WAPL is giving away a Chainsaw from a show they had here in town recently..Jackyl...the auction is up to $500...go for it!
4:00pm Talked to Tammy about her little boy Nicolas (who is only one year old) and his brain is too big for his head! So the doctors did brain surgery on him...WOW! I love what she said...I hug my kids twice every night and I kiss them three times!
3:45pm Everyone that donated before 4pm also gave a Build A Bear to a kid at Children's Hosptial! So fun!
3:30pm Kids in the 70's just died of leukemia, today 80 to 90% of kids with leukemia live healthy happy lives thanks to Children's Hospital!
3:00pm Back in the studio from 3 to 6pm. Just got the best call from a woman whose 24 year old boyfriend had a brain tumor removed when he was 12 from Children's! He is so healthy and has such a great life! WOW!
9:00am Handing off to Dayton for a few hours to inspire you to give money! Doug and I will be back 3 to 6pm this afternoon!
8:35am A woman calls and says she asked for Donations to Children's for her son's first b-day instead of presents! LOVE IT! She bought gas cards for families to get back and forth to see their kids! How neat is that?
8:28am Doug says becoming a Miracle Club Member is just Good Karma Insurance! Sign me up for that! Call and donate and get your Karma Insurance (and your money is doubled this hour by Onieda Nation!) 877-738-5437! Call NOW!
8:05 am A message from Facebook makes my day, here it is: "Mary I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you guys are doing for the radiothon. Children's Hospital has been our home away from home for 2.5 years. This will be our 3rd year doing the radiothon. I will be answering phones on Friday and my daughter Kylee's story has been played the last 2 years on the radio. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK for everything."
7:42am What was the last deal you made with God? God just get me through this...was it to keep your baby girl alive? Or was it something super trivial? Wow. Radio-thon puts it all in perspective for me every year!
7:30am Posting stories of Children's Hospital kids on Facebook! Become a friend on Facebook and share our Radio-thon link so all your friends can donate money to Children's too! (BTW My facebook is under Mary Love)
7:17am A girl just called our show saying she was on a bus with a TON of other kids going to Six Flags for the day and all the stories are making her feel guilty about having a good time! We told her NO WAY! Just go have fun and to be inspired by these kids...we told her to live in the moment and NO complaints!
6:44am I just cried so hard hearing the mom tell the story of her Little League Ball Player with a tumor! Little guy had bad headaches...ends up with a tumor. I just can't imagine being in the waiting room while one of my kids has a tumor removed. I just don't think I could manage that!
6:15am We played the coolest piece of audio from the very first Kiss for Kids Radio-thon!
6:00am We kicked off the 10th annual Kiss For Kids Radio-thon
5:44pm My friend Denise just said, "Mary all we worry about with our kids is getting them to baseball on time and with their mitts, cleats and hat. These people just worry that their kids will never play baseball!" She made me cry. I will stop worrying so much!
5:39pm Almost all of our volunteers are on the phone taking pledges...makes my heart leap! How great is that???
5:25pm Talking to a Kiss FM listener, Amanda, about her son who has been going to Children's for a few years...she is so sweet!
5:15pm We are in the middle of a power hour so your money is doubled until 6pm. What ever you donate gets doubled thanks to The Onieda Nation! Call is a good time....877-738-5437.
5:00pm A woman called and said her 6mo old son is having open heart surgery and all the stories we are telling her are helping her! WHAT? WOW! She said she now has so much more confidence and knows they will make it through! That is incredible! She said with out Children's her son would be
4:50pm I got a great message from a woman on Facebook and here it is:
Mary,after almost bawling on my way home i decided to drop you a quick note about how childrens hospital has touched the lives of the members of my family. My niece was diagnosed with a very rare form of pediatric cancer. By the time of diagnosis (at childrens) her cancer had spread to her brain stem and to her liver.. the prognosis was not good.. at all... after many rounds of chemo therapy, radiation therapy, the removal of her eye, and a complete liver transplant I am happy to say she is a BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY blonde hair blue eyed 11 year old who aspires to be an olympic gymnast some day... without the doctors at Childrens hospital, both Neenah and Milwaukee... who would know what would have happened to her! God Bless them!
4:40pm Just found out WAPL is giving away a Chainsaw from a show they had here in town recently..Jackyl...the auction is up to $500...go for it!
4:00pm Talked to Tammy about her little boy Nicolas (who is only one year old) and his brain is too big for his head! So the doctors did brain surgery on him...WOW! I love what she said...I hug my kids twice every night and I kiss them three times!
3:45pm Everyone that donated before 4pm also gave a Build A Bear to a kid at Children's Hosptial! So fun!
3:30pm Kids in the 70's just died of leukemia, today 80 to 90% of kids with leukemia live healthy happy lives thanks to Children's Hospital!
3:00pm Back in the studio from 3 to 6pm. Just got the best call from a woman whose 24 year old boyfriend had a brain tumor removed when he was 12 from Children's! He is so healthy and has such a great life! WOW!
9:00am Handing off to Dayton for a few hours to inspire you to give money! Doug and I will be back 3 to 6pm this afternoon!
8:35am A woman calls and says she asked for Donations to Children's for her son's first b-day instead of presents! LOVE IT! She bought gas cards for families to get back and forth to see their kids! How neat is that?
8:28am Doug says becoming a Miracle Club Member is just Good Karma Insurance! Sign me up for that! Call and donate and get your Karma Insurance (and your money is doubled this hour by Onieda Nation!) 877-738-5437! Call NOW!
8:05 am A message from Facebook makes my day, here it is: "Mary I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you guys are doing for the radiothon. Children's Hospital has been our home away from home for 2.5 years. This will be our 3rd year doing the radiothon. I will be answering phones on Friday and my daughter Kylee's story has been played the last 2 years on the radio. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK for everything."
7:42am What was the last deal you made with God? God just get me through this...was it to keep your baby girl alive? Or was it something super trivial? Wow. Radio-thon puts it all in perspective for me every year!
7:30am Posting stories of Children's Hospital kids on Facebook! Become a friend on Facebook and share our Radio-thon link so all your friends can donate money to Children's too! (BTW My facebook is under Mary Love)
7:17am A girl just called our show saying she was on a bus with a TON of other kids going to Six Flags for the day and all the stories are making her feel guilty about having a good time! We told her NO WAY! Just go have fun and to be inspired by these kids...we told her to live in the moment and NO complaints!
6:44am I just cried so hard hearing the mom tell the story of her Little League Ball Player with a tumor! Little guy had bad headaches...ends up with a tumor. I just can't imagine being in the waiting room while one of my kids has a tumor removed. I just don't think I could manage that!
6:15am We played the coolest piece of audio from the very first Kiss for Kids Radio-thon!
6:00am We kicked off the 10th annual Kiss For Kids Radio-thon
Monday, August 10, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
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