Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
She is in Jamaica...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
My 40th Birthday was PERFECT!

So I tried to ski 40K on my birthday but I ran out of steam (seriously out of steam) at 25K. I had so much fun I don't even care that I didn't make it! It was the best day ever on the snow. My first day back on skis for the season and I have to say it felt great!
When I got home I spent some time with Cole (eating...because that is what teenagers do!) And it was so nice.
Our neighbor boy (my adopted son) came over with the nicest present and a note that was literally the sweetest thing I have ever read! He is the most amazing guy! I just love him!! The perfect 17 year old...I swear! When he leaves for college I will be the biggest mess!
Then Doug and Em came home from basketball and it was presents and CAKE!!! Doug got me tickets to Kenny Chesney at Lambeau Field this summer! I can NOT wait to be a part of that!! Emma made me a bracelet and it is so sweet! She wrote me the greatest card!! It was so nice. The cake was amazing. THE best part was sitting around the table just talking and laughing!! I have the greatest family and friends.
Thanks for the best b-day!
Monday, December 13, 2010
We love the SNOW!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Here is what she really wants for Christmas...
We are giving away a trip for two to Vegas. I am SOOOO SHOCKED at the amount of women who have written to me to say they want to go with their boyfriend or husband to Vegas for the weekend. ALL the women are saying the same thing...they want some time with you GUYS. Just the two of interruptions, no one else!! This is good news don't ya think! All they want for Christmas is YOU!!!!
I think Vegas would be nice but if this is really true I think you should give them the gift of seven nights in Jamaica!! Come with us, bring you sweet heart, reconnect take the time to say..."ya I dig you!!!" I bet the rest of the year will be SO much nicer, easier knowing you took the time to enjoy each other for ONE WEEK!
What if it was really JUST THAT EASY? For $200 you can reserve your seats on the charter with us to Jamaica. You can pay the rest later. for all the details!
I think Vegas would be nice but if this is really true I think you should give them the gift of seven nights in Jamaica!! Come with us, bring you sweet heart, reconnect take the time to say..."ya I dig you!!!" I bet the rest of the year will be SO much nicer, easier knowing you took the time to enjoy each other for ONE WEEK!
What if it was really JUST THAT EASY? For $200 you can reserve your seats on the charter with us to Jamaica. You can pay the rest later. for all the details!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Jingle Ball 2010

What a BLAST! We had the best Jingle Ball ever last night! It was the first time Emma has been to a Jingle Ball and we let her bring a friend. They had so much fun going backstage and meeting all the great artists! Especially Mohombi...since he kissed them on the cheeks! Cole and his best buddy (we call him our adopted son) Taylor had so much fun meeting Nick Barnett! I think they really enjoyed going backstage to meet Auburn...she was adorable!
Literally it was the perfect Jingle Ball! Thanks everyone for making it such a fun night!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Miley has a hard time keeping clothes on...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Thoughts and Prayers for this family...

We will pray for everyone involved.
Click here for an update on the story.
Mary Love~
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I had a million excuses...

I so did not want to go out in the rain and cold weather today and run! I had so many reason to not go. My calf hurt, my kids wanted me to hang and watch a movie with them all snuggled on the couch. I headed out to meet my friends just sort of going through the motions. When I was parking the car I saw this old man walking with his walker! My friend and I walked over to talk with this old guy and he said he just loved to get out everyday to get some fresh air! He made my day! He would walk about 100 yards, sit down in his car for a few minutes and then get out and walk again...he did this over and over! It was incredible and made me realize the power of fresh air and exercise.
Sometimes in life it is the simplest things that can help you to have a good day!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
$200 is all it takes...
I guess I did not realize you only have to put $200 down to save a seat on our Spring Break Trip to Jamaica!!! How sweet is that? So if you are interested put your money down on this trip right now and then you won't have to pay till after Christmas!! PERFECT!
7 nights in Jamaica...I can't wait! I had some serious mom guilt at first about going away for so long but now that I think about it Doug and I could really use some time alone! I can NOT remember being with just Doug for YEARS....probably 14 years to be exact!
I am more of the get up early and find some adventure kind of girl but Doug is more of a hang on the beach, get a tan and drink some serious beer kind of guy! BUT we are perfect for each other...I love that he knows how to relax and I love that he thinks I am crazy and fill my life with wild adventure! I can guarantee that I will leave no rock unturned in Jamaica! Zip lines, water falls, motorcycle tours, snorkeling, and anything else I can find!! I am so in...
Join us...I promise we will come back with some seriously great stories and memories!
7 nights in Jamaica...I can't wait! I had some serious mom guilt at first about going away for so long but now that I think about it Doug and I could really use some time alone! I can NOT remember being with just Doug for YEARS....probably 14 years to be exact!
I am more of the get up early and find some adventure kind of girl but Doug is more of a hang on the beach, get a tan and drink some serious beer kind of guy! BUT we are perfect for each other...I love that he knows how to relax and I love that he thinks I am crazy and fill my life with wild adventure! I can guarantee that I will leave no rock unturned in Jamaica! Zip lines, water falls, motorcycle tours, snorkeling, and anything else I can find!! I am so in...
Join us...I promise we will come back with some seriously great stories and memories!
No clue why this made me laugh so hard...
40 mph winds in NYC and these crazy people are on top of the Empire State Building...funny and scary at the same time! I have been up there and the building actually sways with the wind!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Can't WAIT for GLEE this week!!!!!
Gwyneth Paltrow is the Substitute on GLEE this week and she sounds AMAZING in this song!
Mary Love~
Mary Love~
Saturday, November 13, 2010
That GLEE GQ Shoot was really naughty!
So since the photos didn't get enough attention (yeah, RIGHT!) GQ releases the video from the photo shoot that got those kids (I mean 30 year olds) in trouble!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
OMG! We are going to JAMAICA!!!!

Fox World Travel put a trip together for us to go on with our listeners! We have NEVER done this before in our lives! NO come along trips, no trips to JAMAICA!!! We are so excited. It is for SEVEN nights!! Pretty sure I can relax in seven days!! They made it a great deal for anyone who wants to come with us!!
It is all inclusive so we can all just go nuts and have a blast. We have some fun stuff planned like snorkeling, zip lines, hiking waterfalls. We have so much fun on vacation...and we promise you can join us on all of it (or NONE if you want!!)
Check it out...
Come join us!
Mary Love
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
My crazy brother...
My brother is an artist and an art professor in MN. He is gathering some info. for the sake of his art (lol!)
Take this crazy poll to help him out! Don't over think will take one second to do.
Take this crazy poll to help him out! Don't over think will take one second to do.
Monday, November 1, 2010
What a blast!

So, this 10 miler at the Reforestation Camp in Green Bay was a total blast! We ran the race on the single track mt bike trail!! It was crazy technical but really fun! We really got a kick out of the fact that you won Beer for first place, Maple Syrup for second place and Dill Pickles for third...ONLY in Wisconsin!!
The money raised for this race was for the Ashwaubenon XC ski team! Literally the perfect way to start a Sunday.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Two runs in one week...
I actually got Doug to run with me twice this week! SO COOL! I have taken him up to High Cliff both times and of course he thinks I am a rock star because I know where I am going. I have run there so many times I know the place like the back of my hand. I did have to trick him a bit yesterday because he was so stuck on only running for 30 min and that was making me crazy! I like to run until I feel like stopping...and he wanted a concrete number of when it was going to end!!! So since I had a watch and he did not I had to fib a bit! We were about 28 min in and he said ok this is getting kind of long and I said oh we still have about ten min left to get to the car! OMG! He just rolled his eyes. So I got him to run 43 min instead. He did great and could have so ran longer! I told him he had to work on letting go of the numbers and just enjoy the experience...of course he thinks I am nuts!
I could run in the woods with no watch, and no plan and just enjoy myself so much! Meet up with a friend and talk talk is one of my favorite things in the world to do. Right now High Cliff is AMAZING! The leaves are covering the trails, and it is just spectacular. I can't get enough of it.
I am trying to convince Doug he could run for an hour now that he ran for 43 min. Wish me luck with THAT!
I could run in the woods with no watch, and no plan and just enjoy myself so much! Meet up with a friend and talk talk is one of my favorite things in the world to do. Right now High Cliff is AMAZING! The leaves are covering the trails, and it is just spectacular. I can't get enough of it.
I am trying to convince Doug he could run for an hour now that he ran for 43 min. Wish me luck with THAT!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
This sums up the phrase, "no excuses."

Honestly, this photo says it all to me. You can do anything you want in this life. It does not have to be an IRONMAN but it could be anything you want! You pick it...and go for it! I love what Burgandy from the Biggest Loser said on our show yesterday..."pick your hard, being fat is hard, sitting around doing nothing is hard, working out is hard, living life is hard...just pick your new hard!"
Rajesh Durbal is a triple amputee and just finished IM Hawaii in about 14 hours.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
This woman has MS but is sure is NOT stopping her!
I read this on and I thought you would love it! The last line is my favorite!!
Karen Stewart knows what endurance is all about.
Fourteen years after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Stewart continues to fight a daily battle against the incurable disease while pushing her physical limits at endurance events across the nation.
Stewart, who is 65, has walked five full marathons, more than 30 half marathons, seven MS Challenge Walks (a three-day, 50-mile event aimed to find a cure for the disease) and counting.
"I just decided that if MS wasn't going to kill me I was going to walk, and I did," Stewart said.
Before her diagnosis, Stewart was a nurse and avid exerciser. She would hop on the treadmill at her local YMCA before work. With determination and the help of her MS medication, Copaxone, Stewart got healthy enough to exercise again.
"After my MS diagnosis, everything really went downhill for the first three to four years," Stewart said. "I couldn't work anymore, one side of my body wouldn't work and my brain wasn't functioning the way it should. In 2000, things started to turn around. I started walking with my walker and my cane, and pretty soon I was back to the Y on a treadmill."
One day on the treadmill, Stewart read a magazine story about a 250-pound woman who planned to walk the Portland Marathon.
"I thought, 'Well I don't weigh 250 pounds, but I have other issues,'" Stewart said. "I read that whole article and I got so inspired. I got off the treadmill, and I called my husband and said, 'I'm going to walk a marathon.'"
Other articles Stewart read at the time told her too much exercise was bad for individuals with MS and could lead to overheating and fatigue. Many people doubted she would be able to complete such a hefty endurance event.
"I think I just defied all the odds," Stewart said. "I told my doctor I was going to do this, and he told me I was nuts. Everyone told me I was crazy, but I just decided what's the worst thing that's going to happen? I'm not going to be able to do it."
Stewart didn't have the first clue about walking a marathon but did the research and started to train. She trained from May 2000 to October 2001, when she walked the Portland Marathon in 8 hours and 39 minutes.
After crossing the line, Stewart immediately thought, "What's next?" Nine years later, she has a stacked race calendar and hopes to continue pushing the envelope in her athletic endeavors.
"It was a huge accomplishment, but I knew it wouldn't stop there," Stewart said of completing her first marathon.
This year, Stewart will walk 10 Rock 'n' Roll races to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of Team Copaxone. The team, named after and supported by the medication of the same name, is comprised of individuals who have had success stabilizing the disease with the medication's help and have gone on to do the unthinkable.
Stewart is a firm believer in the advantage of aerobic exercise for MS patients. She credits the exercise with decreasing her symptoms and has been told by her neurologist that staying active helped parts of her body to start working properly again.
"I like the Rock 'n' Rolls because they are walker friendly," Stewart said. "Even though the walkers are at the back of the pack, at least you're not run over. Once the runners are out of the way then you're in your own zone, and it's just 30 to 40,000 of your new best friends."
Stewart's training includes gym work five to six days a week. She spends three of those days doing weights and aerobic and the other half on the treadmill and elliptical. She and a walking partner also do long walks two to three times a week.
"When I meet with other patients and share my story, some of them will say, 'So what, I can never do what you do,'" Stewart said. "My message is really one of hope. Maybe you can't do what I do, but you can do more. We're all capable of doing more than what we do. Wherever you're at, just get out of that comfort zone."
Karen Stewart knows what endurance is all about.
Fourteen years after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Stewart continues to fight a daily battle against the incurable disease while pushing her physical limits at endurance events across the nation.
Stewart, who is 65, has walked five full marathons, more than 30 half marathons, seven MS Challenge Walks (a three-day, 50-mile event aimed to find a cure for the disease) and counting.
"I just decided that if MS wasn't going to kill me I was going to walk, and I did," Stewart said.
Before her diagnosis, Stewart was a nurse and avid exerciser. She would hop on the treadmill at her local YMCA before work. With determination and the help of her MS medication, Copaxone, Stewart got healthy enough to exercise again.
"After my MS diagnosis, everything really went downhill for the first three to four years," Stewart said. "I couldn't work anymore, one side of my body wouldn't work and my brain wasn't functioning the way it should. In 2000, things started to turn around. I started walking with my walker and my cane, and pretty soon I was back to the Y on a treadmill."
One day on the treadmill, Stewart read a magazine story about a 250-pound woman who planned to walk the Portland Marathon.
"I thought, 'Well I don't weigh 250 pounds, but I have other issues,'" Stewart said. "I read that whole article and I got so inspired. I got off the treadmill, and I called my husband and said, 'I'm going to walk a marathon.'"
Other articles Stewart read at the time told her too much exercise was bad for individuals with MS and could lead to overheating and fatigue. Many people doubted she would be able to complete such a hefty endurance event.
"I think I just defied all the odds," Stewart said. "I told my doctor I was going to do this, and he told me I was nuts. Everyone told me I was crazy, but I just decided what's the worst thing that's going to happen? I'm not going to be able to do it."
Stewart didn't have the first clue about walking a marathon but did the research and started to train. She trained from May 2000 to October 2001, when she walked the Portland Marathon in 8 hours and 39 minutes.
After crossing the line, Stewart immediately thought, "What's next?" Nine years later, she has a stacked race calendar and hopes to continue pushing the envelope in her athletic endeavors.
"It was a huge accomplishment, but I knew it wouldn't stop there," Stewart said of completing her first marathon.
This year, Stewart will walk 10 Rock 'n' Roll races to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of Team Copaxone. The team, named after and supported by the medication of the same name, is comprised of individuals who have had success stabilizing the disease with the medication's help and have gone on to do the unthinkable.
Stewart is a firm believer in the advantage of aerobic exercise for MS patients. She credits the exercise with decreasing her symptoms and has been told by her neurologist that staying active helped parts of her body to start working properly again.
"I like the Rock 'n' Rolls because they are walker friendly," Stewart said. "Even though the walkers are at the back of the pack, at least you're not run over. Once the runners are out of the way then you're in your own zone, and it's just 30 to 40,000 of your new best friends."
Stewart's training includes gym work five to six days a week. She spends three of those days doing weights and aerobic and the other half on the treadmill and elliptical. She and a walking partner also do long walks two to three times a week.
"When I meet with other patients and share my story, some of them will say, 'So what, I can never do what you do,'" Stewart said. "My message is really one of hope. Maybe you can't do what I do, but you can do more. We're all capable of doing more than what we do. Wherever you're at, just get out of that comfort zone."
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The World is Celebrating with the Rescued Miners!

This story is the best news!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Everyone is sick or injured at our house...
My entire family is sick or injured and it is getting a bit old! I know I sound super mean but GEESH! At least one person at least has been super sick or injured at our house since before Ironman back in September! We all got that horrible head/chest cold that lasted for ever, Emma and Doug had the stomach flu, Emma broke a bone in her foot falling off the monkey bars, and now Cole has injured his knee at football! Not to mention I have had bronchitis for a few weeks...Pretty sure we need to get it together at our house! We live such healthy great lives we have no time for all of this!
Cole and I have our fingers crossed we don't get that horrible stomach flu...that was AWFUL!
I am looking forward to all the healing taking place and everyone running and jumping around being crazy!
Nothing better than a healthy family!
Cole and I have our fingers crossed we don't get that horrible stomach flu...that was AWFUL!
I am looking forward to all the healing taking place and everyone running and jumping around being crazy!
Nothing better than a healthy family!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Preble High School need to vote for them!
Vote Here This is so cool! They could really win this! Who knew they were this good! I am so impressed. If they win they hang with cast members of GLEE!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
This is for the guy who yelled at me yesterday....
This really impatient guy screamed at me to get on the sidewalk while I was ridding my bike yesterday. I just thought it would be good for people to know that bikes are by law the same as cars. Honestly, I was just out on my bike to enjoy the day. I have a hard time understanding how I can make people so mad by just riding my bike. Maybe this will help!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
My Phone DIED...

I did the upgrade for my phone and it never turned back on!! I was out of my mind for a few hours!!! SAD but super true. Funny how attached we are to these crazy phones! It is almost an extension of my hand. 24 hours later I had accepted the fact that it was going to be dead until at least TUESDAY....and after I had contacted all the people I had plans with for the weekend...I really felt GREAT! I spent all day Saturday just hanging with the kids with NO interruptions!! We had so much fun walking to the Farmer's Market, going to Lawrence University for brunch, and even went apple picking. I begged the kids to walk across this crazy old rail road track across the river. We baked cookies and they even had friends was nice to call other mom's instead of texting them. It really felt like the best day ever! I think the kids would agree. I should maybe do this more often...
Friday, October 1, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
SNL with Katy Perry...
This really had me in tears I was laughing so hard! What a great come back from that insane Seseame Street boycott earlier in the week!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Banned because of Katy Perry's BOOBS
Parents flipped out about Katy's dress...or lack of it! So they had to pull the show. Of course 1.5 million people have watched it now on You Tube.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Beware...I am venting here.
I guess I fired a few people up today talking about The Biggest Loser. I said that I felt everyone should or could run or walk a mile. I did not say it to make anyone mad but to say...hey a mile off the road there is some pretty cool stuff. If you can walk a mile you can get pretty far into an apple orchard, you can hike at the new Nature Y in Appleton, you can go explore the Reforestation Camp in Green Bay. There is so much to see and do in this life that has nothing to do with a couch, a car, or a sedentary life. It makes me sad to watch The Biggest Loser and hear people say things like I have not run a mile in 25 years, or my daughter got so sick because she didn't want to eat in fear of looking like me (her own mother!) It crushes me. If you want to be mad at me for wishing for people to get outside and enjoy a bit of the world...I think I will just let you be mad.
I never vent in my blogs but it has really made me feel thanks!
Mary Love
email me if you want to talk more about this...
I never vent in my blogs but it has really made me feel thanks!
Mary Love
email me if you want to talk more about this...
Monday, September 20, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Too Much Attention...
Seriously, I have had way too much attention for doing an Ironman. Flowers, cards, cookies, posters, emails, texts, Facebook posts, and the hugs and cheers along the course. I am not saying I don't LOVE it...I just feel like I should have had a baby or died or something. There were so many people out there giving it their all on Sunday. I hope they all got the attention that I did!
I would say that I literally had the perfect day for my first Ironman. I enjoyed every second of 14:18 of my IM WI. The swim was crazy, and I got my ass handed to me! BUT I am proud of myself for keeping it together and not panicking. I am also proud of the fact that I didn't let it get me down. I knew that I could swim that distance much faster but on this particular day in this specific place that was not going to happen. I told my self...get over it and get over it now! I did...and running up the Helix was so incredbile with all those fans just screaming and yelling...
The bike was tough...long and super important! I knew that I had to be perfect on the bike...had to go slow enough to not kill myself, had to eat enough to be able to run, and to drink enough to not get dehydrated (and it was hotter than it felt!)I got stung by a bee at mile 100...and that felt insulting! The last 12 miles were brutal back into Madison...and I couldn't wait to start running.
The was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced! Running through Madison with thousands of people screaming was so much fun! I felt pretty good right away so I knew I had done a great job on the bike. SO, I just sat back...ran and had some fun! I just couldn't wait to get to mile 18...because I had never run that far before. Every mile after that felt like a huge accomplishment! I am not sure my feet hit the ground the last mile up to the Capitol. I was just floating...with a HUGE smile on my face. I was NOT ready to stop! I could have gone farther...
What I know about Ironman is that I can now do anything I set my mind on! And so can my kids, and any one who dedicates themselves to what they love.
Find something you love...and go for it! Why not!? You might have a "State Street" Moment and your feet might not hit the ground!
I would say that I literally had the perfect day for my first Ironman. I enjoyed every second of 14:18 of my IM WI. The swim was crazy, and I got my ass handed to me! BUT I am proud of myself for keeping it together and not panicking. I am also proud of the fact that I didn't let it get me down. I knew that I could swim that distance much faster but on this particular day in this specific place that was not going to happen. I told my self...get over it and get over it now! I did...and running up the Helix was so incredbile with all those fans just screaming and yelling...
The bike was tough...long and super important! I knew that I had to be perfect on the bike...had to go slow enough to not kill myself, had to eat enough to be able to run, and to drink enough to not get dehydrated (and it was hotter than it felt!)I got stung by a bee at mile 100...and that felt insulting! The last 12 miles were brutal back into Madison...and I couldn't wait to start running.
The was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced! Running through Madison with thousands of people screaming was so much fun! I felt pretty good right away so I knew I had done a great job on the bike. SO, I just sat back...ran and had some fun! I just couldn't wait to get to mile 18...because I had never run that far before. Every mile after that felt like a huge accomplishment! I am not sure my feet hit the ground the last mile up to the Capitol. I was just floating...with a HUGE smile on my face. I was NOT ready to stop! I could have gone farther...
What I know about Ironman is that I can now do anything I set my mind on! And so can my kids, and any one who dedicates themselves to what they love.
Find something you love...and go for it! Why not!? You might have a "State Street" Moment and your feet might not hit the ground!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Is this considered modest?
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
A Sweet Article in the Paper...
This brought tears to my eyes! This was such a nice article by Gloria West about me doing Ironman. I feel so overwhelmed by the amazing people in this community who have encouraged me over the last few years. I really feel lucky to have fallen into this world of IRONMAN! It has really changed my life.
Click here for the article.
Thank you so much everyone for your well wishes. It really means a LOT to me!
Click here for the article.
Thank you so much everyone for your well wishes. It really means a LOT to me!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
This is on tonight...
This was so amazing. He is such a great actor and I love at the end where David Letterman give him a HUG. Awwww.
Monday, August 30, 2010
He wins the JEEP for his wife!

Thanks to all the great listeners who came out to try and win the JEEP! We had such a fun time...and we can't wait to do it again next year!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
This was wild...
Do the contestants of the show have to pay for the production or do they just say what they want and the producers get it all set up for them? This has to be TONS of money! This guy is WILD.
Friday, August 6, 2010
A great group of boys...

So, this team won their district, they went on to win the State Tournament, and then went on the ride of their lives to the Midwest Regionals. After over a week in Indiana they ended up in the Championship game against Ohio. It was an amazing game with a lot of heart and soul put into it! They ended up losing right at the end 7 to 5.
The best part about this ride to the World Series...these boys are the nicest kids I have been around EVER. There was not one ego on this team. They really had something special. They way they brought each other up when they were down, they way they celebrated each others was incredible! They really became friends and I think they will remember this experience for the rest of their lives. The coaches deserve a huge trophy for they way they approached these boys. They were such teachers of the game. They had nothing but patients and respect! The coaches really believed in these boys! I have so much respect and appreciation for their hard work...these coaches gave up a lot of vacation days, money, time, sweat and some tears right at the end. I could never say thank you enough! I think we really made some great new friends. What a ride...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Did you watch this???
This was amazing! I did not want to sit and watch this show but Doug had it on and I just got so sucked in! I cried so many times watching this! It was incredible!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Dedicated to a Life as an Athlete...

Most people hear about this and say it is impossible....but what I have learned form them is that anything is possible if you just set your mind to it! People always say, "I don't have time to exercise." But if you watch Jim and Janine Boldra you know you do have time. They both have jobs, they both have hobbies, they both have families that they adore.
The true inspiration of an adventure of this magnitude is that the human body and spirit has so much more to give this life than you think! You have more in you than you ever imagined.
So proud to call them my friends. I have learned so much from them but the most important thing is that a healthy, fit life can lead you to a bit more adventure.
Go get it Jim and Janine and come home and tell us all about it!
Monday, July 26, 2010
So it all starts with a guy in an SUV
Out for a ride with a TON of friends. Just riding along on my Griffen enjoying the day, getting some exercise and chatting with really good friends...when this CRAZED MANIAC flies by the group of us ridding and just about runs us off the road and then slams on his brakes right in front of us! He was so angry that we were on the road it was UNBELIEVABLE! A few of the guys riding in the lead of our group stopped and had a "chat" with this guy! It was very ugly. He said that he was a cop and that we were illegally riding on the road (because we were riding two abreast.) Some one asked to see his badge but he forgot it at home. Hmmmm? Well, anyway he was super mad and said some really horrible things about "spandex wearing fairies." We went on our way hoping Karma really does exist. First, I am just glad no one got hurt! Secondly, I wish that people really knew the laws...bikes are considered vehicles and are permitted to ride two abreast. The laws are very clear...but it really makes some people crazy! AND just a quick little note...if you are passing a biker you need to give them a three feet buffer. It is super scary when people fly by you and almost hit you with their mirrors.
If anyone can explain to me why people have so much anger towards bikers...I would love to understand. BUT for know...I will just keep scratching my head!
If anyone can explain to me why people have so much anger towards bikers...I would love to understand. BUT for know...I will just keep scratching my head!
Friday, July 23, 2010
She is only 14...

There is a younger Kardashian...she is 14 years old and they older sisters were so proud of her. These photos freak me out! Why do we need our little girls to look like this? When I was 14 I was surfing, playing with my brothers and chilling with my parents at the beach. What is with all the photo shoots and the desperate run for celebrity! JEEZE! This girl is she is going to be a freshman in High School. Why not go out for the dance team, or volley ball or just hang with friends at the pool.
This family makes me crazy!
Friday, July 16, 2010
The dreaded..."Honey, the basement is underwater." Doug yells to me...CRAP! Our basement flooded in these last storms. We all hustled down there and just started working. Shoveling water toward the drain. Grabbing toys, books, playstations, and what ever we could to save it from all this insane water! American Girl dolls we up and safe...wheeeeew! The playstation was literally floating in water...Cole was bummed to say the least!
Come to find out our insurance does NOT cover any of this type of flooding! DARN. We will figure it out! That is what I love about our little family, is you can bet if something goes wrong we will figure it out! Lots of shop vacing, humidifying, and fanning! We can do it...We will dry it out and then get that carpet out of there and just replace it! At least it was just material objects. We are all safe and perfectly healthy!
Come to find out our insurance does NOT cover any of this type of flooding! DARN. We will figure it out! That is what I love about our little family, is you can bet if something goes wrong we will figure it out! Lots of shop vacing, humidifying, and fanning! We can do it...We will dry it out and then get that carpet out of there and just replace it! At least it was just material objects. We are all safe and perfectly healthy!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
This boy made my day!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Breaking Dawn could be Rated R?!?!

Did you read Breaking Dawn? Well, if you did, you know it is very Rated R. So, they would like to keep the movies as close to the book as possible! They are saying the movie may have to be Rated R! Would you still let your kids go? How do you let these little girls go to all three movies and then say no to the final one? Hmmmmm? I hope they think through their audience on this one!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Dresses for Haiti

Do you sew? Do you have extra supplies? Do you have any money? If so, you could help with one of the COOLEST projects we have heard in a LONG time! Our buddy Mike's mom started this project where she makes dresses for the little girls in Haiti. You can make dresses or just donate!!! Contact her to find out how you can help out! She is also sending them flip if you see any on sale grab some and drop them off! What a great idea! I just love this. Click here to donate!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
High Cliff Triathlon

First of all how AMAZING is it that we have High Cliff State Park in our back yard!? I go there all the time to run, and hike and spend time with my family! I just love it there. I get my State Park Sticker every year in January and use it like crazy! One of the best Triathlon's of the summer is coming up in just a few weeks! The High Cliff Triathlon: you still have time to sign up! Sign up here.
I did the Half Ironman distance last year and I seriously got my ass handed to me! No kidding! I can't wait to do it again to prove to myself that I can do a much better job! If I remember to drink a bit more on the bike and avoid tripping myself on the run I should be good. I will let you know!
There is a sprint no excuses! The swim is super shallow, the bike course is so pretty you wont EVEN believe you are exercising, and the one of the best runs you can find in NE Wisconsin. Sign up, pump up your tires, grab your running shoes and get going! You won't regret it!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
This is such a fun thing to do on the 4th of July
I went to this 5k fun run last year and it just blew me away! It was incredible. This year the UW Marching Band is going to be there to play before and after and even on the course to cheer you along! Last year Veterans lined the bridge in full uniform saluting everyone who ran past! It was incredible. If you are in town sign up for this one FOR SURE! The Firecracker 5K
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The May challenge
So, the kids came up with the NO FAST FOOD challenge. At first I thought, oh boy...this will be hard for Doug. He likes to just swing through the drive thru all of the time. It is an easy answer for the insane life we have running all around all of the time. Well, we did it! I should say, Yeah...Doug DID IT! Although Emma was HILARIOUS when I asked what we should do for a reward...she said GO TO TOM'S! So cute! I was thinking a hike at High Cliff or even going out for ice cream. So now we will go for another month! Why not? Everyone agrees, it was WAY easier than we thought it would be. The key to it is to always have food on hand at home. I just had to be super prepared with lots of turkey and cheese sandwiches! You can make a little sandwich faster than you can go through the drive thru!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Cure for the common cold...

Super Echinacea! It tastes HORRIBLE, it smells Horrible but it works. Last Wednesday night I landed a NASTY cold! Sore throat, stuff head and an over all awful feeling all over! I of course tried to fight it ( Classic Mary Love move) and it beat me up pretty good. By Friday, after getting off the air, I realized I better get some sleep and try and amp up my Echinacea intake. Twice a day I take this horrible stuff...and in 24 hrs I was feeling so much better....48 hours I felt like a new woman. I also drank a ton of water and tried to get a bunch of sleep!
Warning...this stuff will burn your tongue off but it WORKS!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Shrek Forever After...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
This made my day....
If we could all be this excited about our lives...the world would be a better place for sure!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Mom's...this one is for you!
Real Mothers don't eat quiche;
They don't have time to make it.
Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils
Are probably in the sandbox.
Real Mothers often have sticky floors,
Filthy ovens and happy kids.
Real Mothers know that dried play dough
Doesn't come out of carpets.
Real Mothers don't want to know what
The vacuum just sucked up.
Real Mothers sometimes ask 'Why me?'
And get their answer when a little
Voice says, 'Because I love you best.'
Real Mothers know that a child's growth
Is not measured by height or years or grade...
It is marked by the progression of Mommy to Mom to Mother...
The Images of Mother
4 YEARS OF AGE - My Mommy can do anything!
8 YEARS OF AGE - My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 YEARS OF AGE - My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.
14 YEARS OF AGE - Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either.
16 YEARS OF AGE - Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.
18 YEARS OF AGE - That old woman? She's way out of date!
25 YEARS OF AGE - Well, she might know a little bit about it!
35 YEARS OF AGE - Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
45 YEARS OF AGE - Wonder what Mom would have thought about it?
65 YEARS OF AGE - Wish I could talk it over with Mom.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes,
Because that is the doorway to her heart,
The place where love resides..
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole,
But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she
Shows, and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows!
Real Mothers don't eat quiche;
They don't have time to make it.
Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils
Are probably in the sandbox.
Real Mothers often have sticky floors,
Filthy ovens and happy kids.
Real Mothers know that dried play dough
Doesn't come out of carpets.
Real Mothers don't want to know what
The vacuum just sucked up.
Real Mothers sometimes ask 'Why me?'
And get their answer when a little
Voice says, 'Because I love you best.'
Real Mothers know that a child's growth
Is not measured by height or years or grade...
It is marked by the progression of Mommy to Mom to Mother...
The Images of Mother
4 YEARS OF AGE - My Mommy can do anything!
8 YEARS OF AGE - My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 YEARS OF AGE - My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.
14 YEARS OF AGE - Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either.
16 YEARS OF AGE - Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.
18 YEARS OF AGE - That old woman? She's way out of date!
25 YEARS OF AGE - Well, she might know a little bit about it!
35 YEARS OF AGE - Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
45 YEARS OF AGE - Wonder what Mom would have thought about it?
65 YEARS OF AGE - Wish I could talk it over with Mom.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes,
Because that is the doorway to her heart,
The place where love resides..
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole,
But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she
Shows, and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Enough on my plate...
Sometimes I look at my calendar and go....huh? How the heck am I going to get that accomplished today? I know everyone probably feels the same way from time to time. It goes in spurts don't you think? I think my kids are just getting to that age where they are so involved and that is a good thing right? Last night I had a mini melt down trying to figure out how I am going to be at softball/track/baseball and ballet all at the same time today??? Then I thought, my kids are in perfect health, my job is very fun (and short) and I have a really great supportive husband...even though I crack on him on the air he is so great! So I had to say out loud, "get over it Mary Love!"
So, tonight, I will just say we will get there when we get there and do our best! No melt downs...I get to watch my kids play sports...just lots of them!
So, tonight, I will just say we will get there when we get there and do our best! No melt downs...I get to watch my kids play sports...just lots of them!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Rated R Movies?
How old were you when you saw your first Rated R movie???? Our son, Cole keeps asking to watch Rated R movies and it is driving me nuts! They are all action type movies but you just know if it is Rated R it has a ton of swearing, violence and I am sure sex! I keep saying no...but he did admit that he has seen quite a few Rated R movies at the neighbors house! Grrrrr!
THEN...last night I was randomly watching Risky Business with Tom Cruise. I was 13 when that movie came out and I saw that! As I watched it last night I realized I watched TONS of Rated R movies! I feel like a hypocrite! I wont change my mind about Cole watching Rated R movies!! BUT I do feel like I have a bit more perspective!
THEN...last night I was randomly watching Risky Business with Tom Cruise. I was 13 when that movie came out and I saw that! As I watched it last night I realized I watched TONS of Rated R movies! I feel like a hypocrite! I wont change my mind about Cole watching Rated R movies!! BUT I do feel like I have a bit more perspective!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Suck it up Buttercup!
This woman has no excuses for herself! It shocked me so much when she says I would not take back the accident that took my leg away! OMG! This is incredible.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Earth Day
So, I felt like having an Earth Day work out! I headed to High Cliff and rode my bike around the East side of the lake to the windmills at the end of Lake Shore Drive. I had so much fun bombing down all the hills, checking out all the farms and seeing all the trees budding out! I headed back UP the same road along the lake and told myself it is Earth Day...enjoy the wind! I then headed out for a short run at High Cliff. The best part of the day was when I saw that the trillium are blooming...I love those flowers! I took my Earth Day work out a little further by taking off my shoes and barefoot running for the last few minutes! It was CRAZY but great! I was going to go for a dip in the lake at the end of this celebration of the earth workout...but ran out of time! I had to fly to Cole's track meet...
What a great day just spending time outside! I appreciate it very much!
What a great day just spending time outside! I appreciate it very much!
Join me on Appleton North High School
I am walking in the MS Walk at Appleton North High School on Sunday! Join me for a nice fun walk to help raise money to find a cure for MS! What a perfect way to spend a Sunday morning!
Click here for details!
Click here for details!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
She did it!

Valerie Bertinelli finished the Boston Marathon on Monday, four days before her 50th birthday. Along with her trainer Christopher Ross Lane, the actress ran to raise funds and awareness for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
Just finishing the marathon was Bertinelli's goal since losing weight with Jenny Craig, for which she is a spokesperson.
She finished, running the whole way, in 5 hours and 14 minutes.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Meet me at Fratello's on Tuesday
I am hosting a Think Pink Party at Fratello's in Appleton. I will have a final pair of tickets to Legally Blonde at the PAC (for that nights SHOW!) Walk down the pink carpet, get a min-manicure, have a half priced martini, and win tickets to the show! I think it will be a blast. Meet me there at 5:30pm for a Pink Happy Hour and we have you over to the PAC just in time for the show!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Listen and WIN Lady Ga Ga tickets this week...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Why not sign this and then never use your phone in the car again? I signed the pledge today...and believe me it wont be easy for me to not use my phone in the car but the thought of hurting someone just because I was texting or talking is NOT worth it! I will work SOOOOO hard to not do this again!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Have your DAD call and sing "Baby" from JB

In honor the my Dad...we are making Dad's all over NE, WI sing Justin Bieber's "Baby" to win tickets to his show at Summerfest!
My dad would SO do this for me! It might not be pretty but it would be so funny and I would just love every second of it!
You have all morning to have your dad call...866-916-0959.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Total Girl Talk
Has anyone tried this? Sugaring instead of waxing??? Hmmmm? Thinking about giving it a try...but I am sort of chicken. Here is a "recipe" that I found:
If you have any suggestions or idea before I try it let me me.
If you have any suggestions or idea before I try it let me me.
Monday, March 22, 2010
I loved this...

(CNN) -- Simply put, Margaret Moth made an impression.
Given her jet-black hair, thick black eyeliner, black clothes and combat boots (which she often slept in while on assignment), people didn't always know what to think upon meeting her. She was quirky, the sort who excused herself from a social gathering by saying she had to wash her socks. And she was fearless, the kind of woman who not only kept the camera rolling while under fire, but zoomed in on a soldier who was shooting at her.
Colleagues learned quickly to appreciate all that this CNN camerawoman was. Beyond her rich personality, which included deep optimism and kindness, she brought to her profession top-notch technical abilities, unmatched dedication and an approach to work that inspired others to push themselves.
Moth sought out, even demanded, assignments in conflict zones. She barely survived being shot in the face in Sarajevo in 1992, only to go back as soon as she was physically able. The multiple reconstructive surgeries that followed, as well as the hepatitis C she contracted from a consequent blood transfusion, were mere obstacles she moved around.
But more than three years after being diagnosed with colon cancer, her tremendous life journey has come to an end.
Moth, known for her gutsiness, striking appearance, distinctive humor and sense of fun, died early Sunday in Rochester, Minnesota. She was 59.
"Dying of cancer, I would have liked to think I'd have gone out with a bit more flair," she said with a laugh last spring during an interview with a CNN documentary crew that had traveled to Texas, where she was visiting friends.
"The important thing is to know that you've lived your life to the fullest," she said then, before tubing down a river in Austin, Texas; taking jaunts to Cape Cod and the Canadian Rockies; and piloting a houseboat up the Mississippi River -- replete with beer and Cuban cigars. "I don't know anyone who's enjoyed life more."
Work out like Lady Ga Ga!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
We have an APP
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thank you...
No, I am not sucking up! No, I am not just saying this because I have a performance review coming up! I just want to say thanks to my boss...Dayton for always helping out! He is always doing so much for our show and never gets any of the credit! We really appreciate it and saying Thank You in the hall as we pass him by just doesn't seem like enough!
Thanks for always having our back! Thanks for letting us fail a bit sometimes...thanks for always being so encouraging! We are lucky you are our boss!
Plus those of you who don't know him...he is a great dad to his kids!! (OK, now this is over the top!)
Mary...Doug too but he doesn't even know I wrote this! LOL!
Thanks for always having our back! Thanks for letting us fail a bit sometimes...thanks for always being so encouraging! We are lucky you are our boss!
Plus those of you who don't know him...he is a great dad to his kids!! (OK, now this is over the top!)
Mary...Doug too but he doesn't even know I wrote this! LOL!
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Girls ONLY Ski Bus
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I did it...

I spent the winter learning to skate ski! Then I topped it all off by doing my first Birkebeiner. Aside from giving birth to my children. This was the most difficult and amazing thing I have ever done! 10,000 people did the race this year and it was so incredible! I have never seen or felt anything like this in my life.
Here is the best part: I had a friend ask if I was so happy to be done training and I said to her...did I train? I never once felt like I was training for something. Every time I skied I felt like I was on vacation. It felt like I went on an adventure every time I stepped out on to the trail. I lost 13 pounds this year, and dropped two jeans sizes and that feels like a bonus to the fun times I had in the woods. I am so thrilled by finding a sport that suits me so well. I tell my kids, when you get older you have to find your own sport because no one will schedule practice for you!
I am lucky enough to have met some of the best friends along the way. I spent a lot of time learning from a good friend and coach Jim Boldra! He is an amazing athlete who knows just how to teach and encourage everyone he is around. I love skiing with his wife Janine more than anyone else on the planet! We laugh and ski and fend off the is perfect girl time! They really showed me the ropes at the Birkie and I don't think the words Thank You could ever be enough.
Time to find your own never might really like it!
Have a great day!
Mary Love
Monday, February 22, 2010
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