So we asked listeners if they would like to get paid to lose weight! We are So overwhelmed by the response! We have never had more people sign up for ANYTHING we have ever done! We will be picking five random people from all of the entries on Friday. We will announce the winners on Monday. We will follow those five listeners for three months. So just after Easter we will have a winner of the Biggest Loser on the Planet! Each person will get paid $10 per pound and then the person who loses the most weight percentage wise in the end will win and extra $1,000. If you are interested you can still sign up!
Here are some of the things that people are saying on their entry forms.
*Here is a photo of me, I don't know who this is... I am lost inside her.
*I am filling this out for my dad. He is a 46 year old man and weighs around 340 lbs. My brother and I think he is on the verge of a heart attack. He just lost his job and could really use a good boost in his life. This picture was taken at my brothers graduation in may of 09. Please help my dad to lose weight or no one will. \
*Since my wedding a year and a half ago, I've been layed off from my job and consequently gained 30 pounds on top of the 30 pounds I was already over weight. I really feel sorry for my new wife. I wouldn't want some fat, sweaty guy sliding all over me trying to knock me up. I need to lose 60 pounds and I think your radio show could give me the motivation. PLEASE HELP!
*Wt loss for me is being comfortable with myself. People put wide load signs on my back in high school. I am ready to finally take the weight off for good, and am hoping this will be the inspiration I need.
*Gotta get rid of that double chin!
*can't keep using this little peanut as my excuse for being overweight!
* How did I let myself get like this????? At the age of 38, I have had a Hysterectomy, 3 foot surgeries, a knee replacement and heading for another knee replacement, high blood pressure, high cholesterol.... I need to lose the weight and save myself from this!
*On vacation---after my husband passed away of a brain tumor. We went out to California to deal with the death of my husband and stayed with my sister. I want to not only lose weight for me--but I am the only parent left for my boys and I NEED to be Healthy!!!
*yuck. A trip to Chichen Itza in Mexico. Probably would have been more fun if I weren't so fat.
*My daughter and I, taken a few weeks ago. Weight has been a struggle all my life and I would like to make a change to keep the cycle from passing to my two children.
*I suffer from Type II diabetes and diabetic neuropathy in my feet and legs. I have 2 boys 3 and 9 who I can barely keep up with. If I don't do something now about my weight I know I will not have a chance to see my kids graduate. I want to be able to see my kids get married and be able to play with my grandchildren, and at this point I know that will not happen. Don't get me wrong, yes I want to look decent in a swim suit however, I want it for healthier reasons. Please help give my kids a chance for a healthier mom. Thank you.
There are hundreds more but I think these are a good indication of how important losing weight is to our listeners.
If you want to do this but don't get picked please do the At Home version of this game with us! We could all lose a ton of weight this year!! We will be smoking hot this summer!
Mary Love