Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cancer...and being naked

The biggest scar on my body (and I have quite a few war wounds) is from having melanoma removed from my arm. SCARY!!! I tiny little freckle turned into the scare of my life. I got burned so many times as a kid. We didn't wear sunscreen and we lived at the beach. I am not really a lay out in the sun kind of girl, nor did I ever go tanning, but I am always outside!!!

Wear sun screen!! Why not? I wear spf 30 or higher and I still get super tan! You don't want melanoma!!! It is the worst! It kills 20 people a day!! I was so lucky I found it so fast...but I get to live with a HUGE scar on my arm. It is ugly but it is a huge reminder everyday to take care of myself!!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

This is a super old photo of the kids in Door County but I just love it! I had the best Mother's Day ever! The kids CLEANED the entire house (all three floors!) They started laundry, did the dishes, vacuumed and even mowed the lawn. I came home from a bike ride and the place was looking so good! I was shocked!!! Doug took Emma to the store and then Cole grilled burgers for a late lunch!! It was so wonderful! Can't even tell you how much I loved it!

We went to the Appleton Art Center to see Emma's art work for the Compassion Project! It was the coolest thing I have seen in forever!!! 10,000 piece of art depicting the area school kids ideas of what compassion means to them!

Cole and I did some shopping and then we all watched a movie snuggled on the couch!

The best Mother's Day I have had so far! LOVED IT!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Michele does the Dougie and the Running Man at a middle school!

This is so great! She really loves to dance. She is pretty good too!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Teacher grew a beard until Osama was found or died!!

Gary Weddle, a Washington middle school teacher who vowed on 9/11 that he wouldn't shave until we caught Osama bin Laden, broke out the razor last night. At first Weddle figured he'd shave within a few months, but at the beginning of each school year he's been telling his students that his increasingly scraggly beard is a reminder of the attacks. The beard was gone before President Obama made his address. "I spent my first five minutes crying and then I couldn't get it off fast enough," said Weddle.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I love Sunday mornings...

Maybe it is just because I am hardly home in the mornings but I just love a lazy Sunday morning. I get up way before my family and just relax. I usually make myself French Press coffee and then create a magnificent mocha!! Delicious. I walk the dog, do the dishes, and even throw in a load or two of laundry. The best part of early Sunday mornings is talking to my mom. I usually try to call her and we can literally chat for hours. We talk about everything in the world! My brothers, my dad, the world, my kids, and everything in between. I have really come to appreciate and understand her so much better and that has made our relationship so great!

I usually head out for a nice long run on Sundays. I usually meet a good friend in the woods and we just head out for an hour or sometimes even two or three (depending on the shape we are in!) I love it! It recharges me and I am ready for a nice long busy hectic week.

It really helps the mood this Sunday that the sun is out! Now my family is stirring and the busy fun day begins!
