Legal experts say whether Rihanna will testify against Chris Brown could be a key factor in his felony case.
"The DAs are facing an uphill battle now if Rihanna isn't cooperating," says Steve Sitkoff, a Los Angeles defense lawyer and former prosecutor. "At this point, her cooperation can make or break the case. But the DAs may not need her if Brown is willing to strike a plea deal." From People Mag.
For all of you who are raising boys...teach them that it is wrong to hit girls or women! It starts when they are little. Teach them to respect women and tell them that this type of behavior is wrong. We NEED to stop the cycle of violence. It is never ok to hit a woman...
For all the women who called our show this morning PLEASE do not stay with a man who hits you. Call the Harbor House (920) 731-7240, go to the Harbor House 720 W 5th St, Appleton, WI 54914 or visit them online www.harborhouseonline.org
Mary Love
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