Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Biggest Loser UPDATE

Here is the number one reason why I do the Biggest Loser on the Planet! This email from Jennifer says it all!


Okay, what I was saying is chocolate, sweets of any kind, is like an addiction, once you start you can't stop. Myself, I have cut it all out, moderation is not possible at this time in the losing weight game. There are 27 days left in the competition it has given me the motivation to lose the weight, to get to where I want to be. Can I continue when it is done? I know I can. when I signed up for this contest I told you I was tired of being invisible. Well now the vale of invisibility is coming down and I am feeling so much better about myself I don't want it to end, I don't want to go back to where I was. All I can say is thank you. Talk with next week from California.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts Jennifer! No one ever should feel like they are invisible!

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