Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Enough on my plate...

Sometimes I look at my calendar and go....huh? How the heck am I going to get that accomplished today? I know everyone probably feels the same way from time to time. It goes in spurts don't you think? I think my kids are just getting to that age where they are so involved and that is a good thing right? Last night I had a mini melt down trying to figure out how I am going to be at softball/track/baseball and ballet all at the same time today??? Then I thought, my kids are in perfect health, my job is very fun (and short) and I have a really great supportive husband...even though I crack on him on the air he is so great! So I had to say out loud, "get over it Mary Love!"

So, tonight, I will just say we will get there when we get there and do our best! No melt downs...I get to watch my kids play sports...just lots of them!

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