Sunday, May 1, 2011

I love Sunday mornings...

Maybe it is just because I am hardly home in the mornings but I just love a lazy Sunday morning. I get up way before my family and just relax. I usually make myself French Press coffee and then create a magnificent mocha!! Delicious. I walk the dog, do the dishes, and even throw in a load or two of laundry. The best part of early Sunday mornings is talking to my mom. I usually try to call her and we can literally chat for hours. We talk about everything in the world! My brothers, my dad, the world, my kids, and everything in between. I have really come to appreciate and understand her so much better and that has made our relationship so great!

I usually head out for a nice long run on Sundays. I usually meet a good friend in the woods and we just head out for an hour or sometimes even two or three (depending on the shape we are in!) I love it! It recharges me and I am ready for a nice long busy hectic week.

It really helps the mood this Sunday that the sun is out! Now my family is stirring and the busy fun day begins!


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