Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I did it...

I spent the winter learning to skate ski! Then I topped it all off by doing my first Birkebeiner. Aside from giving birth to my children. This was the most difficult and amazing thing I have ever done! 10,000 people did the race this year and it was so incredible! I have never seen or felt anything like this in my life.

Here is the best part: I had a friend ask if I was so happy to be done training and I said to her...did I train? I never once felt like I was training for something. Every time I skied I felt like I was on vacation. It felt like I went on an adventure every time I stepped out on to the trail. I lost 13 pounds this year, and dropped two jeans sizes and that feels like a bonus to the fun times I had in the woods. I am so thrilled by finding a sport that suits me so well. I tell my kids, when you get older you have to find your own sport because no one will schedule practice for you!

I am lucky enough to have met some of the best friends along the way. I spent a lot of time learning from a good friend and coach Jim Boldra! He is an amazing athlete who knows just how to teach and encourage everyone he is around. I love skiing with his wife Janine more than anyone else on the planet! We laugh and ski and fend off the fellas...it is perfect girl time! They really showed me the ropes at the Birkie and I don't think the words Thank You could ever be enough.

Time to find your own sport...you never know...you might really like it!

Have a great day!

Mary Love

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